Clarke and Dawe: Joe Hockey
24/05/2007 - John Clarke and Bryan Dawe flag a change in the weather.
Video: Real Media (hi) | Real Media (lo) | Windows Media (hi) | Windows Media (lo)
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Clarke and Dawe: poll woes explained
17/05/2007 - John Clarke and Bryan Dawe give their take on why the polls might not be working for the Government at the moment.
Video: Real Media (hi) | Real Media (lo) | Windows Media (hi) | Windows Media (lo)
Read the transcript.
Clarke and Dawe: the Budget
10/05/2007 - John Clarke and Bryan Dawe bring down their Budget.
Video: Real Media (hi) | Real Media (lo) | Windows Media (hi) | Windows Media (lo)
Read the transcript.
Clarke and Dawe: Industrial relations
03/05/2007 - John Clarke and Bryan Dawe have their say on industrial relations.
Video: Real Media (hi) | Real Media (lo) | Windows Media (hi) | Windows Media (lo)
Read the transcript.
Clarke and Dawe: exam results for Howard
26/04/2007 - Clarke and Dawe take a look at John Howard's exam results.
Video: Real Media (hi) | Real Media (lo) | Windows Media (hi) | Windows Media (lo)
Read the transcript.